Collection and Resale Services


Laboratories, whether university or private sector, have the challenge of what to do with equipment they no longer use. This can lead to equipment accumulating in laboratories and store-rooms.

  • Selling lab equipment can pose many challenges - repairs, listing and dealing with buyers is time consuming and costly
  • Capital is tied up in unused, unwanted lab equipment
  • For many items waste disposal is often the only option.


  • Buying new laboratory equipment can be prohibitively expensive
  • Labs are constrained by finite budgets.
  • There are few reputable sources of good, used laboratory equipment


UniGreenScheme is the the easy way for universities and private research labs to recoup space, generate revenue and prevent waste.

By collecting, storing and selling unused equipment from laboratories across the UK, UniGreenScheme can help you realise the value in your unused equipment and offer buyers a large range of good, used equipment.

By collecting unused lab equipment and selling to labs around the world UniGreenScheme is both helping the research sector and boosting your environmental credentials.


For sellers, the key benefits are:

  • Quickly recoup space with our rapid collection service.
  • Get money back for your surplus equipment.
  • Help prevent waste without any hassle.

Sustainability departments gain from environmental metrics helping meet organisational sustainability initiatives.

Lab managers and facility managers gain from hassle free equipment removals resulting in reduced staff time spent and avoiding disposal costs

Lab technicians and researchers get to recoup lab space providing a more efficient working environment

Private labs gain from access to large used marketplace

Service Options

Profit share

We collect, store and sell your lab equipment and return a share of the proceeds once sold.

Great for:

  • Items difficult to value
  • Indicative sales values only (Reserve price not available)
  • Low and mid-priced items
  • Convenience
  • Collect your item and store it until the item sells

Outright purchase

We buy your item outright.

Great for:

  • Immediate cash generation
  • Only suitable for items easy to value
  • Quick recouping of space
  • Great re-use rates


We list, promote and market your item and charge you a commission once the item sells.

Great for:

  • Higher value items
  • Retaining asset until it sells