Woods 63KO Variable Pitch Aeronautical Engineering Wind Testing Tunnel Lab
Woods 63KO Variable Pitch Aeronautical Engineering Wind Testing Tunnel
This was removed from a university engineering department where it was surplus to requirements.
The tunnel was dismantled when we collected so no testing was carried out, but we were told that it was still in operational condition prior to dismantling.
It is in five sections:
Section 1- Main Power/ Fan Unit.-405 kg. 120 cm x 120 cm x 150 cm. Outlet flanges 63 cm inside diameter. 3 phase 5 pin 415V motor.
Section 2- Silencer Unit- 160 kg. 127 cm x 91 cm x 131 cm. Flanges are 79 cm and 63 cm inside diameters.
Section 3- Air Intake Funnel- 155 kg. 170 cm x 121 cm x 145 cm .Apertures are 41cm x 41 cm and 80 cm x 80 cm.
Section 4- Large Tunnel Section-155 kg. 118 cm x 73 cm x 120 cm. Apertures are 41 cm x 41 cm and 64 cm diameter internal.
Section 5- Work Access Unit-85 kg. 55 cm x 55 cm x 160 cm. This has 8 openings 30 cm x 60 cm. It comes with a variety of doors, 8 in total.