High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Items 1 to 50 of 84

£ 27,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo HPLC System Dionex ICS-6000 - AXP-MS, AS-AP, DS, DP & EG Lab
Thermo HPLC System Dionex ICS-6000
This system was removed from a university laboratory where it was surplus to requirements.
The system is in good cosmetic condition and all units power on. The laboratory confirmed that it was in full working order prior to collection.
The system comprises the following:
- Dionex AXP-MS, Serial No.: 226100
- Dionex AS-AP, Serial No.: 19123160
- Dionex ICS-6000 DC, Serial No.: 20010075
- Dionex ICS-6000 DP, Serial No.: 19120594
- Dionex ICS-6000 EG, Serial No.: 20010058

£ 15,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent Technologies 1260 Infinity RI Detector/G7800A MDS Quad Lab
Agilent Technologies 1260 Infinity RI Detector/G7800A MDS Quad
This item was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to test it further at our facility.

£ 10,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Dionex UltiMate 3000 HPLC System - AXP - VWD-3100 - TCC-3000 SD - SRD-3600 Lab
This Dionex UltiMate 3000 HPLC System was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This system has been inspected and tested by a qualified engineer. As a whole the system has passed.
All modules that require software have been tested with Chromeleon v 6.8 and all modules communicate successfully.
This system comes with Chromeleon v 6.8 installed on a PC but does not include a license and dongle.
1x Thermo Dionex AXP Metering Auxiliary Pump
S/N Z0040311
Powers on - Tested 2.5ml to over 1000 psi working as should no leaks
1x Dionex UltiMate 3000 Variable Wavelength Detector VWD-3100
P/N 5074.0005
S/N 8022629
Powers on Status ok
1x Dionex UltiMate 3000 Pump LPG-3400 AB
P/N 5037.0015
S/N 8022830
Firmware 3.05
The system has been modified by a client from a quaternary to a binary pump. Pump tested at 2.5ml a minute, pressure steady at 12000psi, no leaks.
All ok
1x Dionex UltiMate 3000 SR-3000 Solvent Tray without Degasser
P/N 5035.9200
1x Dionex UltiMate 3000 SRD-3600 Solvent Tray with 6 Degasser channels
P/N 5035.9230
S/N 8019828
Powers on. Self-check ok. Status ok. Vacuum test pass.
1x Dionex UltiMate 3000 SRD-3600 Solvent Tray with 6 Degasser channels
P/N 5035.9230
S/N 1050601
Powers on. Self-check ok. Status ok. Vacuum test pass.
1x Dionex UltiMate 3000 Analytical Autosampler WPS-3000 T
P/N 5820.0020
S/N 1000605
Powers on. Self-check ok. Status ok.
1x Dionex UltiMate 3000 Column Compartment TCC-3000 SD
S/N 8021955
Firmware 1.20. Passed all functions test. Both switching valves work. The temperature cools and heats as should. The temperature is stable
1x Dionex UltiMate 3000 Fraction Collector
S/N 12904 AFC 3000
Powers on. Connects with software. USB works but driver not present in the software
1 x Dionex UCI-50 Universal Chromatography Interface
P/N 5911.0005
S/N 8022442
Powers on.

£ 8,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Scientific Accela HPLC System -600 Pump, PDA Detector and MSQ Plus
Thermo Scientific HPLC System -600 Pump, Autosampler,PDA Detector and MSQ Plus
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The units are all in good cosmetic condition with marks from use. Everything powers up, but we are unable to test them further at our facility.
This system consists of;
1 x Thermo Scientific Accela 600 Pump.
1 x Thermo Scientific Accela PDA Detector.
1 x Thermo Scientific Accela Autosampler.
1 x Thermo Scientific Accela Tray.
1 x Thermo Scientific Accela MSQ Plus.

£ 7,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent 1100 Series HPLC System G1316A, G1314A, G1313A, G1311A with Flex Cart
Agilent 1100 Series HPLC System G1316A, G1314A, G1313A, G1311A with Flex Cart
This system was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
All units power up and are in good cosmetic condition, we are unable to conduct further testing at our facility.
The system was last serviced in September 2020 by an Agilent CrossLab engineer.
The system consists of the following:
Agilent 1100 Series Quat Pump
Product No. G1311A
Serial No. DE43629292
Agilent 1100 Series Autosampler
Product No. G1313A
Serial No. DE43627225
Agilent 1100 Series Thermostatted Column Compartment
Product No. G1316A
Serial No. DE4364238
Agilent 1100 Series Variable Wavelength Detector
Product No. G1314A
Serial No. JP43825280
Waters Acquity Flex Cart
Phenomenex ThermaSphere Column Heater
Model TS-130
Serial No. 11021018
4 x power leads
1 x 12v transformer for the column heater
1 x data cable

£ 7,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Hewlett Packard 1100 Series System w/ Software G1313A, G1312A etc Lab
Hewlett Packard 1100 Series System G1313A, G1312A, G4212B, G1316A, G1322A Lab
This system was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
All units are in good cosmetic condition and powered up, we are unable to test the system further at our facility.
System comprises:
Hewlett Packard G1313A ALS Exch
Agilant 1100 series G1312A BinPump
Hewlett Packard G1316A Colcom
HP ProDisplay P201 Monitor
Antec Computer Tower (Software already Installed on item)
HP Keyboard
Agilent LabAdvisor

£ 7,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent 1100 Series HPLC System, G1379A, G1315B, G1313A, G1316A, G1314A Lab
Agilent 1100 Series HPLC System, G1379A, G1315B, G1313A, G1316A, G1314A Lab
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
All included units are in good cosmetic condition and power on, we are unable to test them further as a system at our facility.
This system comprises the following:
- Agilent 1100 Series G1379A Degasser
- Agilent G1315B Diode Array Detector (DAD)
- Agilent 1100 HPLC Autosampler G1313A
- Agilent 1100 Series G1316A Colcom
- Agilent 1100 HPLC G1314A VWD Detector

£ 6,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Dionex UltiMate 3000 HPLC System - Wavelength Detector, Pump, Autosampler Lab
UltiMate 3000 HPLC System - Variable wavelength Detector, Pump, Autosampler Lab
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
All included units are in good cosmetic condition and power on, we are unable to test them further as a system at our facility.
The system comprises the following:
- Ultimate 3000 RS Pump-8021567
- Ultimate 3000 Variable Wavelength Detector-8021598
- Ultimate 3000 RS Column Compartment-8020861
- Ultimate 3000 RS AutoSampler-8021251

£ 6,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent 1100 Series HPLC System - G1314A - G1311A - G1322A - G1364A Lab
This Agilent 1100 Series HPLC System was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The system powers up and is in good cosmetic condition with minor marks from use. We were unable to test it further at our facility.
Included are;
Agilent 1100 Series
Model - G1314A VWD
SN - JP20217921
Agilent 1100 Series
G1311A QuatPump
SN - DE14919047
Agilent 1100 Series
G1322A Degasser
SN - JP05033959
Agilent 1100
G1364A AFC Automatic Analytic Fraction Collector

£ 6,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Dionex UltiMate 3000 HPLC System - VWD, RSLCNANO, Autosampler
UltiMate 3000 HPLC System - Variable wavelength Detector, RSLC, Autosampler Lab
This system was removed from a university lab, where it was surplus to requirements.
All included units are in good cosmetic condition and power on, we are unable to test them further as a system at our facility.
The system comprises the following:
- Ultimate 3000 Variable wavelength Detector-8019982
- Ultimate 3000 RSLCNano System-8023311
- Ultimate 3000 Autosampler-8020247
- Ultimate 3000 Solvent Tray

£ POA 1 in stock
Shimadzu HPLC System - SCL-10A, LC-10AD,SIL-10AD Lab
This item is new in stock. Please enquire for further details.

£ 6,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Shimazdu HPLC System - SPD -10AV, LC-10AD,SIL-10AD Lab
Shimatzu HPLC System - SPD -10AV, LC-10AD,SIL-10AD Lab
This system was removed from a university lab, where it was surplus to requirements.
All units are in good cosmetic condition and powered up, we are unable to conduct further testing at our facility.
This system comprises the following:
1 x SPD-10AV UV-VIS Detector
2 x LC-10AD Liquid Chromatography
1 x SCL-10A System Controller
1 x SIL-10AD Auto injector
1 x DGU-14A Degasser
1 x RF-10A XL Fluorescence Detector
1 x SPD-M10AVP Diode Array Detector

£ 6,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent 1260 Infinity Binary Pump G1312C Lab
Agilent 1260 Infinity Binary Pump
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
The unit powers up but has not been tested further.
It is in good cosmetic condition with minor marks.

£ 6,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Dionex Ultimate 3000 HPLC System Flow Manager RSLC Lab
Dionex Ultimate 3000 Flow Manager System
This system was removed from a university laboratory where it was surplus to requirements.
All included units are in good cosmetic condition.
This system has been professionally serviced, a full service report is available on request.
It is missing the communications cable, however, the de-gasser can still be operated via the power supply unit without needing connection to the pump.
System Configuration:
- Dionex Ultimate 3000 Flow Manager
- Serial No.: 8011967
- Dionex Ultimate 3000 Autosampler
- Model: WPS-3000TPL RS
- Serial No.: 8084409
- Dionex Ultimate 3000 Pump
- Model: DGP-3600MB
- Serial No.: 8019724
- Dionex Ultimate 3000
- Model: SRD-3600
- Serial No.: 816237
- Dionex Ultimate 3000 RSLC Cnano Pump
- Model: NCP-3200RS Nano/Cap Pump
- Serial No.: 8065903
- Accessories Included:
- 3 x 1000ml beakers

£ 6,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Hewlett Packard Series 1100 HPLC System, G1316A, G1321A, G1322A Lab
Hewlett Packard Series 1100 HPLC System, G1316A, G1321A, G1322A Lab
This system was removed from a university laboratory where it was surplus to requirements.
All included units are in good cosmetic condition and power on, we are unable to test them further at our facility.
The system comprises the following:
- 1 x Column Heater ColComp G1316A, Serial No.: DE72004101
- 1 x Liquids Tray
- 1 x Fluorescence Detector FLD G1321A, Serial No.: DE83700771
- 1 x Quat Pump G1311A, Serial No.: DE70301498
- 1 x Diode Array Detector DAD G1315A, Serial No.: DE64301818
- 1 x On-Line Vacuum Degasser G1322A, Serial No.: JP63204107
- 1 x Autosampler ALS G1313A, Serial No.: DE65102555
- 1 x HP 1049A Programmable Electrochemical Detector, Serial No.: 3016G00409
Assorted spare cables, parts, and tubing

£ 5,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Shimadzu RF-20A Prominence Fluorescence Detector
This Shimadzu RF-20A Prominence Fluorescence Detector was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The cosmetic condition of this item is good.
The system powers up but we could not test it further at our facility.
The item carried out all of its self-checks successfully on start-up.

£ 4,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Dionex HPLC System ED40, GP40, LC20, RFC-30 Lab
Dionex HPLC System ED40,GP40,LC20,RFC-30 Lab
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
All units are in good cosmetic condition and power on, we are unable to test them further at our facility.
This system includes a PC with the following software installed:
Chromeleon 6.8 SR10 Build 2818
The password for the PC is available on request.
All units included in the system:
Dionex LC20 Chromatography Enclosure
Model: LC20-1
Serial#: 97100538
Dionex ED40 Electrochemical Detector
Model: ED40-1
Serial#: 99020647
DIONEX GP40 Gradient Pump
Model: GP40-1
Serial#: 97100508
Dionex ICS-1100 Ion Chromatography System
Model: ICS-1100
Serial#: 11080551
Dionex DS6 Heated Conductivity Cell
Serial#: 11080624
Dionex Reagent-Free Controller
Model: RFC-30
Serial#: 11080700
Dionex ASRS 300
Model: ASRS 300 4mm
Serial#: 110812018
All additional parts included:
4 x Dionex Waste Bottles
2 x Dionex Bottle Carrier
1 x Dionex Chromeleon 7 License Key - Serial#: 150981
1 x Dionex CM Dongle - Serial#: 64188
1 x Dionex IonPac CS12A 4x250mm Analytical - Serial#: 028007

£ 4,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Varian 940-LC Liquid Chromatograph & 440-LC Fraction Collector w/ 445-LC, PC Lab
Varian 940-LC Liquid Chromatograph & 440-LC Fraction Collector with 445-LC & PC
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
All included units are in good cosmetic condition and power on, we are unable to test them further as a system at our facility.
User login information is available on request.
The system comprises the following:
Varian 940-LC Liquid Chromatograph
SN - LC0904M018
Sample Block Holds 200 x 5ml tubes
Varian 445-LC Scale-Up Module
SN -LC0904M025
Varian 440-LC Fraction Collector
SN - AY0902M019
Dell Optiplex PC
Dell 17" Monitor
Dell Mouse & Keyboard
Varian Galaxie Chromatography Software Version 1.9.302.952

£ 4,490.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Waters Alliance HPLC System - 2695 Separations, 486, with PC & Software Lab
This Waters Alliance HPLC System was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The lab believe it was in working order when last used, but has stood for 10 years unused.
All the modules powered up but we were unable to test them further at our facility. The system is in reasonably good cosmetic condition with marks and stains.
Included in the system are;
1 x Waters 2695 Separations Module
1 x Waters Scanning Fluorescence Detector
1 x Waters 486 Tunable Absorbance Detector
1 x PC (Windows XP) Running Millennium Software.
1 x Waters instruction manual
1 x Chromquest 4.2 manual
Various books associated with the Item.
A selection of spare parts.

£ 3,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Hewlett Packard 1100 Series HPLC System, G1322A, G1312A, G1313A, G1315A Lab
Hewlett Packard 1100 Series HPLC System, G1322A, G1312A, G1313A, G1315A Lab
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
All included units are in reasonably good cosmetic condition and power on independently, we are unable to test them as a system at our facility.
This system comprises the following:
1 x ALS-G1313A-DE82206357
1 x BinPump-G1312A-DE83102889
1 x Degasser-G1322A-JP03924665
1 x Degasser-G1322A-JP73013168
1 x DAD-G1315A-DE82204388
1 x ColComp-G1316A-DE02206870

£ 3,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
HP HPLC System 1100 Series HPLC System Lab
HP HPLC System 1100 Series
This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The lab confirmed the system was working prior to removal.
Included are;
1x Vacuum Degasser
Pr No. G1322A
The unit powers up and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Quat Pump
Pr No. G1311A
The unit powers up and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x ALS
Pr No. G1313A
The unit powers up and is in good cosmetic condition.

£ 3,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent 1200 Series HPLC G1312B Binary Pump Lab
This Agilent Technologies 1200 Series HPLC G1312B Binary Pump was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The item is in good cosmetic condition and powered up, as seen the item is missing the front door panel.
We are unable to test this item further at our facility.
Power supply included.

£ 3,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Waters HPLC System - PC2, TC2, 515, 2767, APC & Accessories Lab
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
All units power up but this has not been tested further as a system.
It is in reasonably good cosmetic condition with marks from use.
Included are;
1x Waters Pump Control Module II
Model: PC2
S/N: K05PC2 650E
1x Waters Temperature Control Module II
Model: TC2
S/N: H05TC2 641E
1x Waters 515 HPLC Pump
Model: 515
S/N: L05515 088A
1x Waters Column Fluidics Organizer
Model: APC
S/N: K05APC 452M
1x Waters 2767 Sample Manager
Model: 2767 SAMPLE MGR.
Part no: 725000299
S/N: H05XY6 738M
Sample tubes fit 16ml vials.
1x Samsung Monitor
Model: 171S S
S/N: GH17HJCTB07621N
1x AOC LCD Monitor
Model: LM520 A
S/N: T5GJ32AR05528
1x Fujitsu Siemens Mouse
1x Acer Mouse
1x Acer KB-0759 Keyboard
1x BTC 5197 Keyboard
1x Applied Biosciences Programmable Absorbance Detector
Model: 785A
S/N: 29511519
1x IBM ThinkCentre PC
MT-M 8143-QGH
The hard drive has been removed from the PC.
We are certain it was paired up with Control Modules.
1x HP vw8400 WorkStation
S/N: CZC7113H1H
MassLynx Diversity
Sirius Analytical Instruments
1x Waters Column Heater Module
Model: CHM
S/N: M05CHM174M
1x Waters Leak Sensor Module
1x Gilson 506C System Interface Module
S/N: 369J8PA500
1x Waters Fraction Collector III Ver.W2.01
Model: WFC
S/N: D06WFC178J
1x Perkin Elmer Series 200 LC Pump
S/N: 291N 5110302
1x S-Video Mini-DIN 4-pin
1x RS-232C Serial Cable
1x Control Cable Assembly
1x SCSI I to SCSI II Cable
1x Drive Cable 25 Pin male/male
1x Waters 2525 Binary Gradient Module Installation & Maintenance Guide
1x Waters 2767 Sample Manager Injector Installation & Maintenance Guide
1x Waters 515 HPLC Pump Operator's Guide
1x Performance Maintenance Protocol 2007-2009
1x Waters Purification of Compounds - Using FractionLynx

£ 3,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Dionex HPLC System - UCI-100, LPG-4, ASI-100, TCC-100, PDA-Photodiode Lab
This Dionex UCI-100 HPLC System was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The system has been professionally serviced. A full report is available on request.
All units are in good cosmetic condition.
Included in the system are;
1 x Dionex PDA-Photodiode Array Detector
PN - 054101
1 x Dionex Thermostatted Column Compartment TCC-100
PN - 5710.0000
1 x Dionex UCI-100 Universal Chromatography Interface
PN - 5911.0010
1 x Dionex Solvent Rack SOR-100
PN - 5030.9200
1 x Dionex P680 HPLC Pump LPG-4
PN - 5030.0015
1 x Dionex ASI-100 Automated Sample Injector
PN - 5810.0015

£ 2,965.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Finnigan Surveyor HPLC System, Autosampler, PDA Detector & LC Pump
Thermo Finnigan Surveyor HPLC System, Autosampler, PDA Detector & LC Pump
This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The system powers up but has not been tested further at our facility.
It is in very good cosmetic condition with minor marks.
Included are;
ThermoFinnigan Autosampler Surveyor
Model: Autosampler
Serial#: 77184
Year: 2002
ThermoFinnigan PDA Detector
Model: PDA Detector
Serial#: 56847
Year: 2002
ThermoFinnigan LC Pump Surveyor
Model: Surveyor MS Pump
Serial#: 62911
Year: 2003

£ 2,910.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Hitachi Transgenomic Wave L-7000 Series DHPLC System - L-7400 - L-7300 Lab
Hitachi Transgenomic Wave L-7000 Series DHPLC System
This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
All units power up but have not been tested further as they require connection to a PC with software.
Included are;
Transgenomic/Hitachi L-7400 UV Detector
Model: L-7400
Part#: 810-0401
Serial#: 1147-080
Transgenomic/Hitachi L-7300 Column Oven
Model: L-7300
Part#: 810-0301
Serial#: 1153-014
Transgenomic/Hitachi L-7200 Auto Sampler
Model: L-7200
Part#: 810-0201
Serial#: 1154-136
Transgenomic/Hitachi L-7200 Chiller
Model: L-7200 ACC
Part#: 810-3301
Serial#: 1134-036
Transgenomic/Hitachi L-7100 Pump
Model: L-7100
Part#: 810-0101
Serial#: 1153-228
Transgenomic/Hitachi D-7000 Interface
Model: D-7000IF
Part#: 810-0091
Serial#: 1124-131
ERC Inc Hitachi L-761 Pump Drive Unit/Degasser
Model: L-761
Serial#: 102895N0775
Additional items included:
Transgenomic Wave Ineractive Help System CD
Part#: 6700002
Transgenomic Wave System Software Accessories CD
Part#: 6700006
Transgenomic Wave System Software Accessories CD
Part#: 6700005
Transgenomic Manual Binder x 2

£ 2,800.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Varian ProStar HPLC System 410, PDA Detector, Solvent Delivery Module Lab
Varian ProStar System GC 410, PDA Detector, Solvent Delivery Module System Lab
This system was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
All units are in good cosmetic condition and have powered on and passed self-check tests.
We are unable to test them further at our facility as the system does not include a PC with relevant software.
All units included are as follows:
Varian ProStar Model 410 HPLC Autosampler Lab
P/N - 03-935290-03
S/N - 20300
PDA Detector
Model - 330
S/N - 00924
Good condition.
Solvent Delivery Module
Model - 210
S/N - 02241
Good condition.
Solvent Delivery Module
Model - 210
S/N - 02242
Good condition.

£ 2,625.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Gilson HPLC System & Accessories - 306 - 811B - 805 - 832 - 7955- 119 - 506C Lab
Gilson HPLC System & Accessories - 306 - 811B - 805 - 832 - 7955- 119 - 506C
This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This is a large system. Most of the units have been powered up but it has not been tested further. We anticipate it may take some level or refurbishment to get it back to full working order.
Included are;
1x Gilson XL Sampling injector:
Model 231
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition
2x Gilson Piston Pumps:
Model 306
The units both power on and are in good cosmetic condition.
1x 15 pin MALE to FEMALE Ribbon cable:
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Gilson Manometric Module:
Model 805
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
There was no power port on the unit, it must be powered by a controller cable connected via a 306 Pump.
1x Gilson Dynamic Mixer:
Model 811B
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Gilson Temperature Regulator:
Model 832
• Version 1.01
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Gilson Collum Chiller:
Model 7955
The unit powers on and is in reasonable cosmetic condition.
1x Gilson UV/VIS Detector:
Model 119
•Version 2.01
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Gilson 506C System Interface unit:
The unit is in good cosmetic condition. No sign of power.
1x 25 pin MALE to FEMALE serial cable for the (Gilson 506C System Interface unit)
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x 25pin Male to 9pin FEMALE connector adaptor.
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Gilson Dilutor:
Model 401
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Decade Electrochemical Amperometric Detector:
ANTEC Leyden
Version 3.02
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Viglen Contender PC:
Model C3000A
Windows 98
UniPoint LC Version 3.01
The unit powers on.
1x Viglen Monitor
Model TS700
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Viglen Keyboard
Model KB-0325
•PS/2 connector
The unit is in good working and cosmetic condition
1x Microsoft Mouse:
FCC ID: c3kkmp1
•PS/2 connector
1x VGA Cable:
The unit is in good working and cosmetic condition.
1x Gilson UNIPOINT for Windows 98
Version 3.0
Floppy Disk:
Gilson System Software:
•Version 1.71
•Disks 1 - 4
Ser no. 219H8B765
The units are in good cosmetic condition.
•Win32s Disks 1-2
The units are in good cosmetic condition.
2x Gilson 10WSC heads (cases)
Ref E50056
• 3x Gilson WSC Pistion Pump Head user guides are inside the cases.
1x Gilson Thermostatic Rack Unit:
Ser no. 270J1G048
The unit powers on via the (Gilson 832 temperature regulator)the unit is in good cosmetic condition.
Gilson Racks for the thermostatic unit.
1x Rack Well, 60x 2ml glass or plastic vials.
Part no 30
1x Rack Well, 108 x 0.7ml glass or plastic vials.
Part no 31
The units are in good cosmetic condition.
1x Gilson Serial Input/Output Channel:
5 sets of( 2x FEMALE to 1x MALE 9pin connectors)
1x Unipoint system software: (Folder)
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
1x Gilson 506C System Interface User Guide:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
1x Gilson 401 Dilutor Instruction manual:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
2x Gilson 231-401 Auto Sampling Injector Instruction manual:
The manuals are in good condition and appear to be complete.
1x Gilson 119 uv/VIS Detector User Guide:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
1x 802C. 803C, 804C Manometric Module Instruction manual:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
2x Gilson 306 Piston Pump User Guide:
The manuals are in good condition and appear to be complete.
3x Gilson WSC Pistion Pump Head User Guides:
The manuals are in good condition and appear to be complete.
1x Gilson UNIPOINT for Windows 98 User Guide:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
2x 1x Decade Electrochemical Amperometric Detector Manuals:
The manuals are in good condition and appear to be complete.
1x Gilson 832 Temperature Regulator User Guide:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
1x Gilson 811B Dynamic Mixer User Guide:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
1x Gilson 805-806-807 Manometric Modules User Guide:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
1x Gilson SC- type Piston pump head Instruction manual:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
1x Gilson 506C System Interface User Guide:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
1x Gilson 506 Contact/ Modem Operators Guide:
The manual is in good condition and appears to be complete.
2x Phenomenex HPLC Columns:
Model SYNERGI 4U Hydro- RP 80A
1x •Size 250x4.60mm
1x •Size 250x3.00mm
The units are in good cosmetic condition.
1x Phenomenex HPLC Column:
Model SYNERGI 4U Polar - RP 80A
•Size 250x4.60mm
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Phenomenex HPLC Columns:
Model HyperClone 5u ODS (C18) 120A
•Size 250x4.60mm
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Phenomenex HPLC Columns:
Model HyperClone 5u SILICA 120A
•Size 250x4.60mm
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Phenomenex HPLC Columns:
Model Phenosphere - NEXT 5u C18
•Size 250x4.60mm
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
2x HYPERSIL (5u ODS) Syringes:
Prod no. 30105-062
•Size 150x4.60mm
The units are in good cosmetic condition.
1x HYPERSIL (5u HyPURITY) Syringe:
Prod no. 21005-022
•Size 150x4.60mm
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
2x HYPERSIL (ELITE C18 5u) Syringes:
Prod no. 30105-062
•Size 150x4.60mm
The units are in good cosmetic condition.
2x Phenomenex SYNERGI 4u Hydro -RP 80A Syringes:
Part no. 00G-4375-E0
•Size 250x4.60mm
The units are in good cosmetic condition.
1x Phenomenex HYPERSIL 3u C18 (ODS) Syringe:
•Size 100x2.00mm
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Phenomenex HYPERSIL 4u MAX -R P 80A Syringe:
•Size 150x4.60mm
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Phenomenex LUNA 3u c18(2) 100A Syringe:
•Size 100x2.00mm
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
2x HYPERSIL 3 C18 Syringes:
•Size 100x4.60mm
The units are in good cosmetic condition.
1x Phenomenex BIOSep- SEC-S 200 Syringe:
•Size 300x7.80mm
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Phenomenex JUPITER 5u C18 300A Syringe:
•Size 150x4.60mm
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Hamilton Microliter Syringe:
Model no. 1802RSNE
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Hamilton Microliter Syringe:
Model no. 1801RSNE
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Hamilton Microliter Syringe:
Model no. 801RNE WAT
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.

£ 2,255.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent Technologies 1200 Series HPLC G1312A Binary Pump Lab
This Agilent Technologies 1200 Series HPLC G1312A Binary Pump was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The item is in good cosmetic condition and powered up, as seen the item is missing the front door panel.
We are unable to test this item further at our facility.
Power supply included.

£ 2,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Separation Products HPLC System - Anachem - Spectra - Lab
This Thermo Separation Products HPLC System was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The system was working prior to removal but the PC was faulty and removed from the system.
Included in the system are;
1x Anachem unit
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x TSP Vacuum Membrane Degasser
Model SCM 1000
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Spectra System
Model P4000
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Spectra System
Model SN4000
The unit is in good cosmetic condition.
We have not powered up the unit. We believe it is powered by another unit in the system or a PC.
1x Thermo Finnigan Spectra System Detector
Model UV6000LP
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
1x Spectra Series
Model AS3000
The unit powers on and is in good cosmetic condition.
User Manuals:
1x Spectra Series Autosamplers ref manual
1x SCM1000 Vacuum Membrane Degasser ref manual
1x UV6000LP Detector ref manual
1x Spectra System & Spectra Series Gradient Pumps ref manual
1x Spectra System Autosamplers ref manual
All units are in good cosmetic condition. We are unsure if the manuals are complete.

£ 1,800.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent Technologies 1100 Series Bin Pump G1312A w/ Controller Lab
Agilent Technologies 1100 Series BinPump-G1312A
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, but no further testing was carried out.
- Agilent Controller - G1323B
- Powers on with no visible screen damage, but no further testing carried out.
Serial Numbers:
- G1312A: DE40915677
- G1323B: CN40409171

£ 1,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Job Lot of 6 Hewlett Packard 1100 Series HPLC Units Spares or Repairs
Job Lot of 6 Hewlett Packard 1100 Series HPLC Units Spares or Repairs
These were removed from a laboratory where they were surplus to requirements.
All items are untested and are in reasonably good used condition.
Due to the items being untested and missing various parts, this job lot is listed as Spares or Repairs.
Included is;
Hewlett Packard 1100 Series HPLC Units:
1 x G1316A Column Compartment
Serial No. DE64302229
Missing front faceplate
3 x G1314A Variable Wave Detector
Serial Nos. JP11614743, JP64202341, JP11615583
All missing detector parts and one missing rear communication board
1 x G1311A Quaternary Pump
Serial No. DE70301670
Missing valve parts
1 x G1312A Binary Pump
Serial No. DE43616189
Missing a channel pump
3 x 1100 Series Solvent Trays
1 x 1200 Series Solvent Tray
Agilent Technologies 1200 Series top and bottom casings for G1322A De-gasser

£ 1,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Beckman Coulter GOLD HPLC System, 125, 508, 168 w/ PC 32 Karat Software
Beckman Coulter GOLD HPLC System, 125, 508, 168 w/ PC 32 Karat Software
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
All units power up and are in good cosmetic condition, we are unable to test further. It may require some degree of recommissioning.
System includes:
Beckman Coulter System GOLD 125 Solvent Module
Model: 125 Solvent Module
Serial#: 440-1761
Beckman Coulter System GOLD 508 Autosampler
Model: 508 autosampler
Serial#: 10049
Beckman Coulter System GOLD 168 Detector
Model: 168 Detector
Serial#: 488-2940
Lenovo PC, HP Keyboard, Dell Monitor & Cherry Mouse
Installed on the PC: 32 Karat Software
The PC Login information is available on request.
Spare/Additional parts:
Kinesis CV Cartridge Outlet Beckman 100 x 6
Kinesis Piston Beckman 125 x 4
Kinesis Secondary Seal Beckman x 3
Kinesis Piston Seal Beckman x 2
System Gold System Operations Manual
System Gold System Installation Manual x 2
32 Karat Software Package Version 8.0
System Gold HPLC Installation and Maintenance Guide
System gold Model 508 Autosampler Installation and Operations Manual

£ 1,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
DIONEX HPLC System, GP50, AS50, UVD 17OUD Lab
This system was removed from. a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit has been professionally serviced and is in full working order.
It is in good cosmetic condition with minor marks.
Included are;
Powers up ok
Passed all internal checks
Installed options tested/checked
Inject port alignment ok
Firmware 1.10
Bios 30.00
All ok
Connects successfully to Chromeleon v6.8 (USB)
Lamps switch on/off
Powers on ok
Chromeleon reports no errors
Powers on ok
All internal tests passed
Ran pump to pressure 2.0ml/min at 1000psi variance < 3psi/5 mins - No leaks
Firmware 3.46
Bios 30.00
Unit all ok
New leak sensor fitted

£ 1,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent 1200 Series Degasser G1379B Lab
Agilent 1200 Series Degasser G1379 Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to test it further at our facility.

£ 1,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Perkin Elmer LC240 Fluorescence Detector Lab
Perkin Elmer LC-240 Fluorescence Detector Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to test it further at our facility.

£ 1,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Scientific Accela Pump For HPLC System Lab
Thermo Scientific Accela Pump For HPLC System Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, the lab has notified us that this item was in working order prior to removal.
This item also included:
- ZHCR Vacuum Pump

£ 1,400.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Separation Products/Shimadzu HPLC System - AS3000 - P1500 - RF-551 Lab
Thermo Separation Products/Shimadzu HPLC System
This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
It is in reasonable cosmetic condition with minor marks.
Included are;
TSP SpectraSYSTEM Variable Loop Autosampler with Column Oven & Sample Cooling
Model - AS3000
SN - 096/06323-5 - Powers up.
TSP Membrane Degasser
SN - 103067
Powers on - Solvent Leak light is lit up, though we believe this is likely because it wasn't connected up.
TSP SpectraSYSTEM P2000 Binary Isocratic Pump
Model - P1500
SN - 105/05727-5
Powers on
Shimadzu Spectrofluorometric Detector
Model - RF-551
SN - 70738
Powers on
Shimadzu UV-VIS Detector
Model - SPD-10A
SN - 030513
Powers on

£ 1,350.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Shimadzu HPLC System, SPD-10A, LC-10AT, RID-10A Lab
Shimadzu HPLC System, SPD-10A, LC-10AT, RID-10A Lab
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
All units power up and are in fair cosmetic condition, we are unable to test further at our facility.
The system consists of the following:
1x Shimadzu SPD-10A UV-Vis Detector
S/N: 030661
1x Shimadzu LC-10AT Liquid Chromatograph
S/N: C20793301544
1x Shimadzu RID-10A Refractive Index Detector
S/N: C20933400802
Also included are manuals for each unit.

£ 1,350.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Varian Prostar HPLC Units 430 Autosampler, 2 x 210 Solvent Delivery Modules Lab
Varian Prostar HPLC Units 430 Autosampler, 2 x 210 Solvent Delivery Modules Lab
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
All included units are in good cosmetic condition and powered on, the previous client has stated they were in working order prior to removal.
This system comprises the following:
430 Autosampler
Part No. 03-935292-12
Serial No. 60174
Manufacturing year 2006
210 Solvent Delivery Module
Serial No. 05175
Fitted with additional Pressure Module 8700psi 10ml
210 Solvent Delivery Module
Serial No. 05176

£ 1,255.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Gynkotek P 580 A HPLC Pump & Dionex UVD 170S UV Detector System Lab
Gynkotek P 580 A HPLC Pump & Dionex UVD 170S UV Detector System
This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements. The system powers up but has not been tested further.
It is in reasonably good cosmetic condition with marks from use.
It comprises of;
1 x Gynkotek HPLC
Type - P 580A
1 x Dionex UVD 170S
PN - 6068.4000A
1 x Dell Optiplex G1 with Keyboard & Mouse
Model no. MMP
Chromeleon Client Version 4.20 Build 350
1 x Box including:-
Gynkotek HPLC Pump Series P580 Operating Instructions
Gynkotek HPLC UV/VIS Detector UVD 170S/340S Operating Instructions
Chromeleon Chromatography Data Systems Version 4.20 Software CD & Tutorial

£ 1,200.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Finnigan Surveyor Autosampler Plus HPLC Lab
Thermo Finnigan Surveyor Autosampler Plus HPLC Lab
This item was removed from university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in very good cosmetic condition where it was surplus to requirement.

£ 1,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent 1100/1200 Pump Drive Assembly G1311-60001 Lab
This Agilent 1100/1200 Pump Drive Assembly G1311-60001 was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The item is in good cosmetic condition but has not been tested.

£ 1,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Hewlett Packard Cohesive Technologies 1100 Series G1310A Isocratic Pump Lab
This Hewlett Packard Cohesive Technologies 1100 Series G1310A Isocratic Pump was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The item is in good cosmetic condition and powered up, as seen the item is missing the front door panel.
We are unable to test this item further at our facility.
Power supply included.

£ 990.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Dionex UVD 340S UV/VIS Detector Lab
Dionex UVD 340S UV/VIS Detector
This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit powers up but has not been tested further.
It is in good cosmetic condition but is missing a rear foot.

£ 900.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Acquity Ultra Performance LC 2996 PDA Detector Lab
Acquity Ultra Performance LC 2996 PDA Detector Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to test it further at our facility.

£ 815.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Varian ProStar 335 Diode Array Detector lab
This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit powers up but we were unable to test it further at our facility.
It is in good cosmetic condition with some marks from use.

£ 800.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Dionex UltiMate 3000 With 2 FLM-3100 Flow Manager Lab Spares/Repairs
Dionex UltiMate 3000 With 2 FLM-3100 Flow Manager – Spares/Repairs
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
All included units are in good cosmetic condition and power on. However, due to the following issue, the system is being sold as Spares/Repair:
The FLM-3100 displays a valve error. Both valve bodies are missing, and the left-hand valve does not operate.
This system comprises the following:
Dionex UltiMate 3000 With 2 FLM-3100 Flow Manager
2 x - IonPac CG5A 4 X 50mm
Dionex FLM-3100 Flow Manager (top)
Dionex FLM-3100 Flow Manager (bottom)

£ 800.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Finnigan Surveyor LC Pump Plus Lab
Thermo Finnigan Surveyor LC Pump Plus Lab
This item was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to conduct further testing at our facility.
- Serial No. 80832
- Year 2006
- Firmware 2.00

£ 700.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Dionex ASE Accelerated Solvent Extractor Model - ASE 200E Lab
This Dionex ASE Accelerated Solvent Extractor Model - ASE 200 was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit powers up but has not been tested further.
It is in good cosmetic condition with minor marks from use.
Items 1 to 50 of 84