UV/VIS Spectroscopy
Items 1 to 44 of 44

£ 17,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Perkin Elmer Lambda 900 UV/VIS/NIR Spectrometer Lab
Perkin Elmer Lambda 900 UV/VIS/NIR Spectrometer Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
The unit has been professionally serviced and a brief summary of the report is listed below.
This system also includes a PC set-up with the following software:
WinLab 5.1.5.
Wavelength Calibration Tests Passed ? YES
Photometric Calibration Tests Passed ? YES
Stray Light Checks Passed ? YES
Instrument self-calibration passed. NIR performance is not good. But UV and Vis are fine up to 900nm. All standard
performance tests passed fine.
(A full report is available on request).

£ 4,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Jenway 6705 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Lab
Jenway 6705 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
This item was removed from a university laboratory where it was surplus to requirements.
The spectrophotometer is in good cosmetic condition, with a few remaining stains and scratches after cleaning.
It has been powered on, but no further testing has been conducted.
The password for the Supervisor Account is available on request.
- Instrument Memory: 968 MB, 99% Free (Files 36)
- Light Source: Xenon
- Spectral Bandwidth: 4 nm
- Stray Light: <0.05% at 220 nm
- Wavelength Range: 320-1100 nm
Model: 6705
Serial No.: 1019

£ 4,450.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Jenway 6705 UV/Vis. Spectrophotometer Lab
Jenway 6705 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
This item was removed from a university laboratory where it was surplus to requirements.
The spectrophotometer is in fair cosmetic condition, with a few stains and scratches.
It has been powered on, but no further testing has been conducted.
The password for the Supervisor Account is available on request.
- Instrument Memory: 968 MB, 99% Free (Files 73)
- Light Source: Xenon
- Spectral Bandwidth: 4 nm
- Stray Light: <0.05% at 220 nm
- Wavelength Range: 320-1100 nm
Model: 6705
Serial No.: 1018

£ 4,400.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Jenway 6705 UV/Vis. Spectrophotometer Lab
Jenway 6705 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
This item was removed from a university laboratory where it was surplus to requirements.
The spectrophotometer is in reasonably good cosmetic condition, with some visible wear including a front vent missing its slits, chipped paint on the top, and a few scratches and stains.
It has been powered on, but no further testing has been conducted.
The user password is available on request.
- Instrument Memory: 1,883 MB, 99% Free (Files 1)
- Light Source: Xenon
- Spectral Bandwidth: 4 nm
- Stray Light: <0.05% at 220 nm
- Wavelength Range: 320-1100 nm
Model: 6705
Serial No.: 39940

£ 4,350.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Jenway 6705 UV/Vis. Spectrophotometer Lab
Jenway 6705 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
This item was removed from a university laboratory where it was surplus to requirements.
The spectrophotometer is in poor cosmetic condition, with a visible crack on the front (appears to have been repaired with glue by the previous owner) and several scratches and stains that could not be removed.
It has been powered on, but no further testing has been conducted.
The password for the Supervisor Account is available on request.
- Instrument Memory: 968 MB, 99% Free (Files 47)
- Light Source: Xenon
- Spectral Bandwidth: 4 nm
- Stray Light: <0.05% at 220 nm
- Wavelength Range: 320-1100 nm
Model: 6705
Serial No.: 1020

£ 4,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Jenway 6705 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Lab
Jenway 6705 UV/Vis. Spectrophotometer Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition other than some stress cracks present on the screen protector. This does not impair its functionality.
This item powers on and passes all self-diagnostic tests on start-up. The previous client stated it was in good working order prior to removal.

£ 3,250.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Perkin Elmer Lambda 35 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer System w/ PC & Software
Perkin Elmer Lambda 35 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer System w/ PC & Software
This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit has been professionally serviced and is in good working order.
It is in good cosmetic condition with minor marks.

£ 3,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Agilent Technologies Cary 60 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer Lab
Agilent Technologies Cary 60 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers up, we are unable to test it further at our facility.

£ 1,900.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Cecil Model CE 9200 Spectrometer Lab
Cecil Model CE 9200 Spectrometer Lab
This item was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and power on, we are unable to conduct further testing at our facility.

£ 1,750.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Cecil Model CE 7200 Spectrometer Lab
Cecil Model CE 7200 Spectrometer Lab
This item was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to conduct further testing at our facility.
- Model: CE 7200
- Software Version: R0058

£ 1,530.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Unicam Helios Alpha Spectrophotometer Lab
This Unicam Helios Alpha Spectrophotometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit powers up and passes all self-checks. It is in good cosmetic condition with only minor marks from use.

£ 1,500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Unicam Helios Alpha Spectrophotometer Lab
Unicam Helios Alpha Spectrophotometer Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to test it further at our facility.
This item details are as follows:
Instrument Hours: 9997
Type: Helios Alpha
NC: 9423 UVA 1002E
S/N: UVA 080407

£ 1,400.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Unicam Model Helios Alpha Spectrophotometer Lab
Unicam Helios Alpha Spectrophotometer Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to test it further at our facility.
There is a small black line running across the screen
This item details are as follows:
Instrument Hours: 7725
Type: Helios Alpha
NC: 9423 UVA 1002E
S/N: UVA 081205

£ 1,350.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Cecil CE 3041 3000 Series UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Lab
Cecil CE 3041 3000 Series Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to test it further at our facility.
The unit passed a service in August 2023.
The item also includes the following:
X100 FisherBrand Cuvette Macro 4.0ml, PS UV

£ 1,300.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Shimadzu UV-VIS Spectrophotometer UV-2401PC & TCC Temperature Controller Lab
Shimadzu UV-VIS Spectrophotometer UV-2401PC & TCC Temperature Controller Lab
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
All included units are in good cosmetic condition and power on, we are unable to test them further as a system at our facility.
This system comprises the following:
- Shimadzu UV-2401PC
Serial No. A10834432670
- Shimadzu TCC-240A Temperature Controlled Cell Holder
- Shimadzu TCC-Temperature Controller

£ 1,000.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Amersham Biosciences Ultrospec 3100 Pro Spectrophotometer Lab
Amersham Biosciences Ultrospec 3100 Pro
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in reasonably good cosmetic condition and powers on.

£ 970.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Secomam UVIKON XS UV/VIS Spectrometer Lab
This Secomam UVIKON XS UV/VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit powers up but has not been tested further at our facility.
It is in good cosmetic condition with minor marks from use.

£ 915.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
GBC Cintra 10 UV-Visible Spectrometer Lab
GBC Cintra 10 UV-Visible Spectrometer
This was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit powers up but has not been tested further at our facility. The lab confirmed it was working when last used.
It is in good cosmetic condition with minor marks.

£ 900.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Philips Pye Unicam PU 8620 UV/VIS/NIR Spectrophotometer Lab
Philips Pye Unicam PU 8620 UV/VIS/NIR Spectrophotometer
This item was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in fair cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to conduct further testing at our facility.
- Model: Pu 8620
- S/N-: 355909

£ 825.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 vis 10vis Spectrometer Lab
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS UV/VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.
Lamp hours: 438.88

£ 820.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Spectronic vis Genesys 10vis Spectrometer Lab
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS UV/VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.
Lamp hours: 327.12

£ 820.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 vis Lab Spectrometer
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS UV/VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.
Lamp hours: 948.95

£ 810.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Shimazdu UVmini-1240 Spectrophotometer + EPSON LX-300+II Lab
This Shimazdu UVmini 1240 CE UV-VIS Spectrophotometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit powers up and passes all self-tests. We were unable to carry out further tests at our facility.
It is in reasonably good cosmetic condition with marks from use.
The printer is in working order and has been tested.

£ 810.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Spectronic Lab Genesys 10 vis Spectrometer
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS UV/VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.
Lamp hours: 492.06

£ 800.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS Spectrometer Lab
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.
Lamp hours: 1022.60

£ 800.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Beckman Coulter UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Model - DU 800 w/ PC & Software Lab
Beckman Coulter UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Model - DU 800 w/ PC & Software Lab
This system was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and successfully passed all Diagnostic tests with DU800 Software.
The PC User log-in information is available on request.
The system comprises the following:
- Beckman Coulter UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Model - DU 800.
- IBM PC w/ Beckman DU 800 Software.
- IIYAMA ProLite 21.5" monitor, mouse, and keyboard.

£ 790.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 vis Visible Light Spectrometer Lab
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.

£ 780.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Spectronic Model Genesys 10 vis Visible Light Spectrometer Lab
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.
Lamp hours: 921.51

£ 770.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Spectronic Model Genesys 10 VIS Spectrometer Lab
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.
Lamp hours: 1041.35

£ 765.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS Spectrometer
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS UV/VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.
Lamp hours: 923.02

£ 760.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Genesys 10 Spectronic vis Spectrometer Lab
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.
Lamp hours: 195.24

£ 740.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Thermo Spectronic vis Spectrometer Model Genesys 10 Lab
This Thermo Spectronic Genesys 10 VIS UV/VIS Spectrometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
This item powers on and is in good cosmetic condition, it has not been tested further.
Lamp hours: 1152.73

£ 700.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Shimadzu UV-2101PC Spectrophotometer & PC with Software Lab
Shimadzu 2101PC Spectrophotometer & PC Lab
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to test it further at our facility.
The following software is installed on the PC:
- Shimadzu Kinetics
- Photometric
System: Windows 98, Second Edition, 4.10.2222A.

£ 700.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Jenway 7315 Spectrophotometer Lab Spares/Repairs
Jenway 7315 Spectrophotometer
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
This item is in good cosmetic condition and powered on, however, the item was displaying error 8 (see below): Therefore we are unable to test further.
"Err 8 Warning: Redo Unable to find Vane on Turret This error indicates that the vane position zero on the turret cannot be found. The most likely causes for this error are: 1. The turret carousel has been removed and not replaced. Solution: Check if the turret is in the sample chamber and inserted properly. Press the key adjacent to the back icon to try rechecking."
It is sold for spares/repairs

£ 650.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Pharmia Biotech Ultrospec 2000 UV/Visible Spectrophotometer Lab
Pharmia Biotech Ultrospec 2000 UV/Visible Spectrophotometer Lab
This item was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in good cosmetic condition, powers on and successfully passed all self-tests.
- Model 80-2106-00
- Serial No. 61890

£ 500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Camspec Model M508 Spectrophotometer Lab
Camspec M508 Spectrophotometer
This item was removed from a university laboratory where it was surplus to requirements.
It powers on and is in good cosmetic condition. We are unable to test it further at our facility.

£ 500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Cecil Type CE 7200 Spectrometer Lab Faulty Screen
Cecil Type CE 7200 Spectrometer Lab
This item was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in reasonably good cosmetic condition and powers on, however, the display screen is damaged.
Therefore, it is listed as Spares/Repair.

£ 500.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Cecil CE 7200 Spectrometer Lab Spares/Repairs
Cecil CE 7200 Spectrometer Lab
This item was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in reasonably good cosmetic condition and powers on, however, the display screen is damaged.
Therefore, it is listed as Spares/Repair.

£ 450.00 (ex. VAT) 15 in stock
Camspec M508 Spectrophotometer Lab
Camspec M508 Spectrophotometer
This item was removed from a university laboratory where it was surplus to requirements.
It powers on and is in good cosmetic condition. We are unable to test it further at our facility.
Please note that we have multiples of this unit in stock. You may not receive the one in the photos but will receive one in near-identical working and cosmetic condition. If you would like to see photos of the exact unit you are receiving upon purchase before it is shipped, we would be happy to provide this.

£ 350.00 (ex. VAT) 3 in stock
Hitachi U-1900 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Lab
This Hitachi U-1900 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The units power up but have not been tested further.
It is in good cosmetic condition with some marks from use.
Please note that we have multiples of this unit in stock. You may not receive the one in the photos but will receive one in near-identical working and cosmetic condition. If you would like to see photos of the exact unit you are receiving before it is shipped, we would be happy to provide this.

£ 250.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Jenway 6505 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Lab (No Application/Data Card)
This Jenway 6505 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The unit powers up but it does not have an application card. It was professionally serviced using a card from another unit (not included).
Instrument passed calibration tests
Wavelength Calibration Tests - PASS
Photometric Calibration Tests - PASS
Stray Light Checks - PASS
It is in reasonably good cosmetic condition with some marks from use.

£ 250.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
TSP SpectraSYSTEM UV1000 Single Wavelength UV/VIS Programmable Detector Lab
This TSP SpectraSYSTEM UV1000 Single Wavelength UV/VIS Programmable Detector was removed from a university lab where it was surplus to requirements.
The item powers on and is in a reasonable, used cosmetic condition apart from a crack on the front of the left-hand side of the unit.
When powered on the unit runs self-tests and all have passed.
Deuterium Lamp hours - 615

£ 250.00 (ex. VAT) 1 in stock
Perkin Elmer Lambda 20 UV/Vis Spectrometer Lab
Perkin Elmer Lambda 20 UV/Vis Spectrometer
This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.
It is in reasonably good cosmetic condition and powers on, we are unable to test it further at our facility.

£ POA 1 in stock
Perkin Elmer Lambda 35 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Lab
This item is new in stock. Please enquire for further details.
Items 1 to 44 of 44