Heraeus Instruments Labofuge 400R Function Line Lab Spares/Repairs

Item Code: ITEM-41702

Condition: Spares or Repairs

Brand: Heraeus Instruments

£ 500.00 exc. VAT (£ 600.00 inc. VAT)
1 in stock
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Heraeus Instruments Labofuge 400R Function Line Lab

This item was removed from a university where it was surplus to requirement.

It is in fairly poor cosmetic condition and powers on, however, due to an issue with the cooling/heating element it did not reach any desired temperature when tested.

Therefore, it is listed as Spares/Repair.

Additionally, it was tested to its maximum speed of 4500RPM, which performed well with no issues.

Item Details

Property Value Tested value
Electrical Supply N/A 1-Phase
Plug Included? (1-Phase) N/A Yes - Standard UK 3-Pin Mains Plug (BS 1363)
PAT Test Result N/A Pass
PAT Test Date N/A 06-08-2024
Voltage N/A 240V
Physical Specifications
With Refrigeration Yes
Minimum Temperature (˚C) 0.0
Maximum Temperature (˚C) 40.0
Maximum Speed (RPM) 13000

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Additional terms and conditions

These items are for spares/repair only, may be defective/unsafe, and are not intended for use.

Return policy

Buy with confidence. If you wish to return the item, for whatever reason, you may do so within 45 days subject to our terms and conditions. International buyers will have to pay return shipping.

NOTE: No cables, remotes, accessories, power supplies, consumables or any other items are included unless shown in the item photos or detailed above.