Perkin Elmer Piezorray Flexible Non-contact Microarraying System Spares/Repair

Item Code: ITEM-45182

Condition: Spares or Repairs

Brand: Perkin Elmer

£ 500.00 exc. VAT (£ 600.00 inc. VAT)
1 in stock
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Perkin Elmer Piezorray Flexible Non-contact Microarraying System Spares/Repair

This system was removed from a university laboratory where it was surplus to requirements.

The Piezorray system powers up but encounters a software error indicating a problem with the device drivers or compatibility issues when connected to the PC.

The error prevents further use and testing of the system.

Therefore, it is listed as Spares/Repair.

The system comprises the following:

  • 1 x Perkin Elmer Piezorray main unit
  • 1 x Enclosure, seemingly custom for the Piezorray
  • 1 x Perkin Elmer Precisely Unit
  • 1 x Non-branded blue and white unit
  • 1 x Cole Parmer Air Admiral Pump
  • 1 x Elga PURELAB UHQ
  • 1 x Cole Parmer Programmable Polystat Chiller
  • 1 x StockerYale IMAGELITE MODEL 20 light source with Lightpipe
  • 1 x Dell Optiplex 280 PC with Windows XP OS, Perkin Elmer Piezorray software, and National Instruments Measurement & Automation software, including keyboard, mouse, and monitor


  • 3 x Tecan 731070 Syringes (used)
  • 2 x Spare temperature-controlled microplate holders
  • 5 x ADKH501-4PK Test Record Autodrop Pipettes (new)
  • Various spare tubing

Note: Tables are not included in the sale.

Item Details

Property Value Tested value
Electrical Supply N/A 1-Phase
Plug Included? (1-Phase) N/A Yes - Standard UK 3-Pin Mains Plug (BS 1363)
PAT Test Result N/A Pass
PAT Test Date N/A 06-03-2025
Voltage N/A 240V
Year of Manufacture N/A 2005
Part / Catalogue Number DBC0001
Last Service Date N/A Unknown

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Additional terms and conditions

These items are for spares/repair only, may be defective/unsafe, and are not intended for use.

Return policy

Buy with confidence. If you wish to return the item, for whatever reason, you may do so within 45 days subject to our terms and conditions. International buyers will have to pay return shipping.

NOTE: No cables, remotes, accessories, power supplies, consumables or any other items are included unless shown in the item photos or detailed above.