Genuine General Electric CF6-61DA Engine ASSY:536L387G04 Serial:451517
Item Code: ITEM-12357
Condition: Used
Brand: GE
SOLD - Unfortunately this item is no longer available. However, we may have similar items available for sale. Please get in touch with us at , or by phone on +44 29 2086 4661.
This jet engine is being sold on behalf of a leading UK universities engineering and aerospace department.
The engine which would have originally cost around 1 million USD was owned by MyTravel Aircraft Engineering. It was designed for the DC10 aircraft.
In 2004, the engine type was retired as MyTravel retired the DC10 and moved to the Airbus Aircraft.
Rather than disposing of the engine, it was moved to this universities engineering department as a training resource for students.
This is a genuine full size jet engine.
Its an extremely rare opportunity to acquire a unit like this.
General Electric Model: CF6-6D1A Jet Engine
Removed from retired DC10-10 Aircraft
Has flown about 40 million miles in its 20-year working life.
Please note - whilst the engine was operational prior to going into storage, it is no longer in service and we can offer no warranties to its current performance. It is initially intended for sale for display / museum purposes only, and therefore we would need to discuss any intended flight of the engine or any of its parts.
There is some damage to the nose of the engine which occurred after the item was collected and is not shown in the original photo. We have got images of the damage.
It is a non negotiable of sale that we will need to diligence check the intended use of any prospective buyer. In most cases, a non-flight disclaimer will be required unless you are able to provide appropriate documentation / evidence to demonstrate that any intended use will meet the requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority or other relevant governing bodies. We can discuss this further with you prior to sale and then we would need to approve any proposed flight plans with our university client prior to sale.
Technical details
For collection only. Collections must be during our working hours (08:00-16:30 Monday to Friday). If you require packing and palletising for your collection, please contact us in advance for a price.
Return policy
Buy with confidence. If you wish to return the item, for whatever reason, you may do so within 45 days subject to our terms and conditions. International buyers will have to pay return shipping.
NOTE: No cables, remotes, accessories, power supplies, consumables or any other items are included unless shown in the item photos or detailed above.